we want to impact people
spiritually • mentally • emotionally • financially
Welcome to LifeBridge Community Church - a place of love, faith, and community.
Our ministries are designed to cater to the diverse needs of our congregation and the community.
They serve as a platform for spiritual growth, personal development, and meaningful connections.
We want people to be able to say “My life is better because of LifeBridge!”
We invite you to explore the range of ministries we offer and find your place to belong and thrive.

Part of our mission at LifeBridge is LOVING OTHERS, and we believe it’s important for everyone to discover a place where they can connect and grow. We were not created to “do life” alone, and our Life Groups exist for individuals to build and be part of a vital community, which is an important part of maintaining a healthy walk with Jesus.
At LifeBridge we believe that investing in children means investing in the future! We want to help parents bring their children up in the fear and admonition of the Lord, so we have a wonderful kids program that is caring, fun, and effective! Bring your kids to KidzBridge on a Sunday Morning!

Our youth program, LBY, is designed to reach kids where they are! We have a presence on high-school campuses, and we host a dynamic & engaging Wednesday Night Youth Service! The youth at LifeBridge are encouraged to learn, grow in their faith, and take on leadership responsibilities as the next generation of our church-body!
We are excited and proud to say that over half of our congregation is under 40 years old! We have a brand-new Young Adults Group for 18-35 year olds that meets monthly, and provides the connections that this age-group needs to find their place in the church, community, and in Christ!

At LifeBridge, we want to see men grow into the kind, loving, supportive, wise, and providing men that God is calling them to be. We're excited to have Men's Groups that meet on Wednesday Mornings at 6am, as well as our 'Man Cave Mondays' Group that meets every Monday at 5pm. These are great spaces to get to know other men, and 'sharpen' one-another in the Faith.
Our Women's Ministry is full of women who want to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as they seek to love, nurture, and guide their families through all of life's ups and downs.
We love that the Women's Ministries at LifeBridge are about empowering women to be who Christ created them to be-- in and out of the Church,

The ACTS Foundation (Actively Coming Together Selflessly) is a nonprofit organization aimed at providing food, supplies, and education to underserved individuals. We host a Grocery Giveaway + Senior Deliveries Program every second and fourth Saturday of the month.
Buena Vista Event Center is conveniently located on Highway 41, and with the flexibility that your event needs— from weddings and parties, to corporate events… Buena Vista Events Center is the perfect place for your special day!